You kick
that sucker in the face. You kick it right in the face and tell life to go
screw itself. You didn’t want lemons. You didn’t ask for lemons. All you wanted
was a flippin’ grapefruit and life gave you lemons. What doesn’t it think of
itself? Life needs to get off its high horse and grow a pair. Life needs to
listen to what you need to tell it and it needs to take notes. It needs to know
that you wanted a grapefruit. You should communicate with life before you yell
at it you wanted a grapefruit. However, both parties are wrong in this matter.
Sadly, this is the truth
I’m trying
to make this easy for you, but there is no easy way to tell you this. It’s not
all ‘life gives you lemons so you deal with it, make the best of it and make
some lemonjuice’ anymore. It’s the attitude some people have towards life.
There is no gratitude anymore. There is ignorance. There is bigotry. There is
no compassion for any lemons or any life whatsoever anymore and we all need to
deal with that. I see so much arrogance around me. I see it every day. On the
bus, subway, tram, walking past me in the streets. High class businessmen with
their high class leather business briefcases walking past me while I sniff
their probably very high class cologne that, quite frankly, makes me feel a
little bit sick judging by the amount that was even on there on the first
place… My point? I have no point. I’m just here to tell you a little bit of
truth every day. Or, I strive to.
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