Sunday, August 19, 2012

Death Note Episodes, How to Use [ Rules ]

Recently I became a huge fan of the anime Death Note.

The first time I came in contact with Death Note, I saw a cosplay on Deviant art:


I became interested with the entire scene ( and the cupcakes )
So I started looking for the anime.

After I watched the first episode I had a serious case of insomnia.
And after I saw the third episode I was hooked!

This is one of the best anime series I have ever seen, and those are a lot! ...( otaku alert!! )

Either way I have the first three episodes here for you on the watch.
You can decide if you want to watch the next few episodes.
But I am 90% sure that you will be addicted to this anime.

I also have a little bit of the plot for you:

Yagami Light, is a very intelligent teen -young adult.
He hates everything that is evil.
He thinks a lot, and sees bad things happen daily.
Criminals are being punished by law and order, but still there are people who the world is better of without.
Day after day Yagami sees these things, and concludes that his world is rotten.
He wonders why nobody does anything about the situation of the world.

One day he discovers a notebook.
The Death Note.
A notebook with a users guide.
The first thing he reads is:
The human whose name is written in the Death Note shall die.
First Yagami finds it childish, but later on he decides to take it home with him, and uses it on a criminal who is holding a kinder garden hostage.
If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person’s name,
it will happen.
If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.
The criminal dies, and the kinder garden is safe.
Yagami follows the entire news on his tv.

After discovering that the death note is real he decides to create his own perfect world, without evil.
The Shinigami Ryuk is the original owner of the Death Note and possesses Yagami.
He also likes apples. _(^_^)_

In just a month hundreds of criminals are dying of heart attacks, and the Japanese police force are left at a mystery.
They have no other choice to aid to a special secret force called "L"

After the third episode L and Yagami begin a cat and mouse game.
With all the excitement of a CSI investigation.

You will surely have some nights without sleep! I did.

Now without further ado:

I will upload all the episodes for you as soon as possible.
But for now please follow on youtube.

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